Another New Beginning

Well, I'm not saying "forever" anymore! Life changes, and so we must adjust. Fortunately, we are pretty good at that! We intended to land in The Villages in our future years, certainly not now... but we are excited to spend our upcoming days here! Aside from having to move due to employment, this house seems to have a little bit of "meant to be" on our journey. My niece and nephew call me Tia (our road name), which is Spanish for aunt. We very much branded our last home as Lagoon Lookout, and we are again overlooking a lagoon. Plus, it's salmon-colored, which my mother-in-law pronounces with the L, so we always giggle about that word. We have many adventures ahead of us here - a golf cart will be the next order of business. This is our first new construction home, so I'm glad there are no significant expenses ahead, except the ones we choose. Many people have asked for pix. We just closed and got the keys less than a week ago, so it's not perfect. W...